[MS4W-Users] shp2tile error in MS4W v3.0 Beta 7

karsten vennemann karsten at terragis.net
Fri Nov 27 19:06:34 EST 2009

on the windows version of MS4W v3.0 Beta 7 I set the environment variables using setenv.bat as well as directly in the windows xp system environment variables. I got all the tools like ogr2ogr and gdalinfo to run on the dos command line
but shp2tile keeps giving me an error in a popup window: Unable to locate component.
The application has failed to start because shapelib.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
In FWtoolsv. 246 I have the same problem.  I actually also can't physically find that dll in neither directory ...
How can this be fixed ?
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