[MS4W-Users] SDE

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Fri Jan 22 16:24:32 EST 2010

> You will notice that with PHP 5.3.0 most of the extensions are loaded by 
> default (check the 'PHP 5.3.0' link on your localhost page).  

Yes I noticed that at least for GetText and curl.

> If you 
> need custom extensions added then you will need to probably custom build 
> PHP.  

I found it easier to load the extension dynamically.  Is there a
performance hit doing that ?

> For example, the Mapbender community filed an MS4W ticket 
> requesting specific extensions, so I compiled PHP with specific 
> extensions (for beta8, which will be released publicly soon). 
> http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2086

> Widely used extensions can be requested through the MS4W issue tracker; 
> however if you require a custom build right away you can always contact 
> my team directly and we can move forward together.
> I think you decided to go down the path of grabbing a pre-compiled PHP, 
> that is an option also, but it will involve a lot of work to incorporate.

I'm not a pro PHP'er, but just dumping the dll's and loading the
extensions in php.ini (in my case the php_xsl and php_pdo_pgsql dlls)
worked fine.  Maybe I was just lucky it worked.  

Thanx for the precisions Jeff.


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