[MS4W-Users] how to display labels on my map

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Jun 7 10:04:31 EST 2010

Linnet Kwamboka wrote:
> what is the difference between mapfiles created by qgis 1.0.2 and those 
> of qgis 1.4 because the ones for qgis 1.4 are not displaying on any of 
> the mapserver clients. then i have realised the mapfile created using 
> qgis 1.0.2 does not have the font attribute, can this be affecting the 
> layering?thanks


I think the QGIS mapfile export feature has trouble exporting symbols 
and fonts; I recommend that you follow the example in the MS4W add-on 
package that I referred to earlier.  You can use the fonts and symbols 
in that example in your own mapfile.  (since I think I helped you 
through another issue on this email list before, you will be already 
familiar with using the shp2img commandline utility for testing your 


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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