[MS4W-Users] Some problems installing ms4w Windows Server 2003 64 Bit

David Alda Fernandez de Lezea dalda at ikt.es
Wed May 19 04:43:44 EST 2010


I'm trying to install ms4w, but I get some strange issues:

Ms4w version 2.3.1 -> It's installed correcly, and I can get it work.

Ms4w version 3.0 beta10 -> Can't install Apache, it says that Apache is not recognized as an command...

Ms4w version 300 beta11 -> Apache is installed with an error saying that 'could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name '' but going to localhost doesn't work.

Does ms4w 3.0 work in Windows 2003 Server 64 Bit platform???

Un saludo,

David Alda Fernández de Lezea
Lurralde eta Biodibertsitate Saila / Dpto. de Territorio y Biodiversidad
Granja Modelo s/n · 01192 · Arkaute (Araba)

Tlfnos.: 945-00-32-95                         Fax: 945-00.32.90
email: dalda at ikt.es                                web: www.ikt.es

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