[MS4W-Users] Problem with msTileCache on ms4w

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Tue Apr 19 09:49:57 EST 2011

Hi all,

I can not get ms4w mstilecache to write tiles to the cache directory.

Installed ms4w-3.0.2-setup.exe from the ms4w download page. Installed 
data etc and it works fine.

Trying to get msTileCache to work and have apache config, cache 
directory, tilecache.cfg all setup and the apache log file report it is 
drawing the metatile and chopping it. OpenLayers is drawing the the map 
and tiles.

PROBLEM: the tiles are not getting written to the cache! The cache 
directory and parent folders are all full access to "Everyone".

mapserv.exe reports MSTILECACHE support and we are seeing it in the log 

So I'm stuck! Logic says the problem is:

1. Windows permission issue
2. bug in mapserver
3. something stupid that I'm missing

Oh, I have an identical setup on Linux that works.

I don't use ms4w that much so I might have missed something that needs 
to be a little different.


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