[MS4W-Users] Problem with msTileCache on ms4w

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Tue Apr 19 10:27:17 EST 2011

Ok, seems to be working now after a reboot. I hate when this happens.

On 4/19/2011 10:49 AM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Hi all,
> I can not get ms4w mstilecache to write tiles to the cache directory.
> Installed ms4w-3.0.2-setup.exe from the ms4w download page. Installed
> data etc and it works fine.
> Trying to get msTileCache to work and have apache config, cache
> directory, tilecache.cfg all setup and the apache log file report it is
> drawing the metatile and chopping it. OpenLayers is drawing the the map
> and tiles.
> PROBLEM: the tiles are not getting written to the cache! The cache
> directory and parent folders are all full access to "Everyone".
> mapserv.exe reports MSTILECACHE support and we are seeing it in the log
> file.
> So I'm stuck! Logic says the problem is:
> 1. Windows permission issue
> 2. bug in mapserver
> 3. something stupid that I'm missing
> Oh, I have an identical setup on Linux that works.
> I don't use ms4w that much so I might have missed something that needs
> to be a little different.
> Thanks,
>     -Steve
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