[MS4W-Users] MS4W version 3.0 (January 17, 2011) what is about other PHP-Extensions?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Jan 20 09:00:54 EST 2011

Hello Evgeni,

I just want to followup from Ludwig's excellent response.

You will notice that MS4W 3.0 contains many PHP extensions that are 
built into PHP and loaded by default, and you can see the full list of 
extensions by clicking on the "PHP 5.3.5" link on your localhost page 

If you find that you are missing an extension, as Ludwig mentioned you 
should file a ticket in the MS4W bug tracker for each extension:
  - login or create an account at: 
  - then click "Search", and select the "MS4W" product and click Search 
to show all existing issues
- if your issue is not already filed, please do the following:
   - click "New"
   - click on "MS4W"
   - fill out the ticket and press "Commit"
  - then you can follow the progress of the ticket, and test and provide 
feedback for any changes

If you need a custom build sooner you can always contact me directly.

Thank you for using the MS4W product.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 11-01-20 6:23 AM, Evgeni T. wrote:
> Hallo @all MS4W-User.
> I allready downloaded and installed the new release of MS4W version 3.0 and I foud out that the C:\ms4w\Apache\php\ext directory just includes a view php-extension but not the whole amout like in the older versions. Ok, the server was build with the most common extensions like MySQL, SOAP and others. But I just miss a SHMOP, Tidy and also a PDO-Mysql. So is that possible to upgrade the MS4W with this common extensions, so that I can also use them?
> Thank you and best regards from Germany.

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