[MS4W-Users] Problems with PHP-Mapscript after upgrade

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Mon Jul 18 18:44:41 EST 2011

Hmm, maybe the parsing changes are causing it.  Maybe try it without the 

$projection_obj = new projectionObj('init=epsg:900913');

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

On 7/18/2011 1:08 PM, Ludwig Kniprath wrote:
> Hello Brent,
> I think, there must be another reason, because the epsg-file has the 
> line with the configuration for epsg "900913"
> And the map is displayed without problems if I set
> <snip>
>         "init=epsg:900913"
> </snip>
> in the mapfile.
> And finally the same error occurs with epsg "31466" or "4326".
> As a workaround I commented out the 
> <snip>$blank_map_object->projection = $projection_obj;<snip> and set 
> the projection in the mapfile.
> Ludwig
> Am 18.07.2011 18:51, schrieb Brent Fraser:
>> Ludwig,
>>   MS4W does not include 900913 in its epsg file; you'll need to add it.
>> Best Regards,
>> Brent Fraser
>> On 7/18/2011 10:26 AM, Ludwig Kniprath wrote:
>>> Hi List,
>>> I run Mapserver from the latest ms4w-package (ms4w_3.0.3) on Windows 
>>> XP,
>>> Apache 2.2.19 with mod_fcgi 2.3.6, PHP 5.3.6.
>>> I followed the installation docs "K. Installing the MS4W MapServer
>>> Binaries in Other Environments", because I just need the PHP-Mapscript
>>> in my Apache/PHP-Environment.
>>> After Setup phpinfo() returns "MapServer version 6.0.1...", 
>>> installation
>>> seems to be OK :-)
>>> Problem 1 occurs in PHP when using print_r() on the Mapscript -Objects,
>>> because nothing is displayed.
>>> Example:
>>> <snip>
>>> $blank_map_object = new mapObj($map_file_path);
>>> print_r($blank_map_object);
>>> </snip>
>>> results to:
>>> <snip>mapObj Object ( )</snip>
>>> nothing more, no insight on properties.
>>> But the map-object seems to be OK, because
>>> <snip>$blank_map_object->save('...');</snip>
>>> writes the correct output.
>>> Problem 2 occurs when setting a new projection to the above map-object:
>>> <snip>
>>> $projection_obj = new projectionObj('+init=epsg:900913');
>>> $blank_map_object->projection = $projection_obj;
>>> </snip>
>>> In Mapserver 5.x everything worked as expected, but with MapServer 6 
>>> the
>>> above code just doesn't run, no exceptions, no errors, nothing in the
>>> error-log, just no reaction at all, the script stops.
>>> Ludwig
>>> P.S.:
>>> I recognised some typos (?) in chapter k of the downloaded
>>> documentation, some of the listed dlls aren't included or with other
>>> versions ("aspell-15.dll" , "gdal17.dll", "gds32.dll"...)
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