[MS4W-Users] Reprojection of WMS layer with mapsrcipt

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Tue Jul 19 09:00:53 EST 2011


Have a look at GDAL (http://www.gdal.org/).  It is the most popular open 
source project used for raster re-projection.  There are command line 
utilities and scripting support.  GDAL is delivered with MS4W, but I 
don't think PHP examples are included...

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

On 7/19/2011 2:51 AM, Peter.Jehle at tba.llv.li wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a proprietary map (-server ) software, that offers an non 
> WMS-compliant Web-Interface. To use this software as a WMS, i have 
> written an wrapper/proxy script in php, that translates WMS-request to 
> the proprietary URL, performs the request an returns the result as a 
> WMS-compliant answer.
> So far, this works fine. But now i have the problem, that I should 
> reproject  images according to the WMS "SRC" param (for example 
> WGS84). Since my proprietary software does not support reprojection, I 
> would like to do this task in the php wrapper script. Is there a way 
> to do this with mapscript and/or proj4? Can I use mapsript without a 
> UNM-Mapserver mapfile? If so, is there a php script example ?
> Thanks for any suggestion
> Regard's
> Peter
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