[MS4W-Users] OGR Join shape file and MySQL table

Theobald, Charles charles.theobald at ncdenr.gov
Fri Nov 4 14:24:37 EST 2011

I'm having a problem with a relatively simple map file that works fine on an existing linux host but won't run on windows.  In the map file, I'm joining a shape file to a mysql table to use joined attribute data for displaying polygons in different colors based on the attribute field (no x y or lat long columns).  The map does not display, do I need to make my OGR connect differently?
Here's how I'm making the connection now (does not work on new server)
DATA "SELECT * FROM Drought_County a LEFT JOIN 'MYSQL:dbname,host=hostname,user=****,password=*********'.dm_20111011 b ON a.fips = b.id"

Again, the MySQL table has no spatial component, I just want the MySQL data to be joined with the attribute table of the shape file (dbf).


Charles Theobald
NC Division of Water Resources
charles.theobald at ncdenr.gov

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