[MS4W-Users] MS4W-Installation

Alois Dicklberger Alois.Dicklberger at Uni-Passau.De
Tue Aug 7 08:23:55 EST 2012

Hello Jeff,
for installing ms4w I used your PHP MapScript Installation Guid. After Installation I tried to test the PHP/MapScript-installation with this php-file from your document:

After al long odyssey I found your mail in the ms4w-mailinglist from Dec 1st 2009. In this email you say that "since PHP version 5.3.0 you can no longer use PHP's dl().
Mapscript.dll is already inabled in version 3.0.
Now I tested my installation with:

The same error message was given back:
Fatal error:  Call to undefined function dl() in C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\php_mapscript_neu.php on line 3

Whats wrong in my installation?
Windows xp
ms4w 3.0.6

Best wishes

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