[MS4W-Users] RV: msLoadMap(): Unable to access file.

Giosvany Miranda gmiranda at geosi.geocuba.cu
Thu Mar 15 16:32:31 EST 2012


I'm working with MS4W for some time and from last week I download the last
version that include the version 6.0.2 of mapserver CGI.

When I try to load a file (.map) that I prove in latest versions from
absolute path 


&map=D:\Copiar aqui\fidel\ ATD\50


then appear an error message:


msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (D:\Copiar aqui\fidel\ ATD\50



I'm verify that the file is in the correct place and analyze the content of
.map file and nothing. But If I put the same file in the root of the drive
then there is not a problem. Maybe is a problem with the configuration, but
in this moment I don't know what can I do. 




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