[MS4W-Users] (ms4w) oracle spatilal problem of drawing compound polygon in oracle 10g

Sieu Truc sieutruc at gmail.com
Thu Jan 23 07:59:22 EST 2014


When i draw a compound polygon

SDO_GEOMETRY( 2003, -- two-dimensional polygon NULL, NULL,
SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1005,2, 1,2,1, 5,2,2), -- compound polygon
SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(6,10, 10,1, 14,10, 10,14, 6,10) )

by using msw4 accompanied with mapserver 5.4 or the previous version, they
are successful to create an image.

But when i change to msw4 3.0.6 with mapserver 6.0.3 (libmap.dll of Oracle
11g), i always get the problem :

msDrawShape(): General error message. Only polygon shapes can be drawn
using a POLYGON layer definition.

I think it comes from the file libmap.dll, and maybe libmap for Orc 11g
doesn't work well with Orc 10g

Can you suggest me what to do ?

Iam using Oracle client, and the underlying database is Oracle db
10g (
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