[owtchart-users] single point plots
Otterson, Lynne
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 11:08:39 +0100
I would like to be able to create an x-y graph which will display a single
y-value with all subsequent data missing, or an isolated y-value with
missing data on either side
This may sound strange, but I need to generate graphs of data throughout a
32 week period, where one week's data (a single number representing the
number of cases of influenza that week) is supplied each week. (The week
nos. form the x-axis labels) This means that initially there is only one
week's data ( from week 2 onwards the graph will be ok.).
The associated case is where data is not supplied for some weeks - so if
there is a missing y-value for week n, data present for week n+1, then
missing data for week n+2, the graph does not mark the point plotted for
week n+1.
Is there a way of achieving this ?
Lynne Otterson
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