[OSRS-PROJ] Problem with geod sources

Ildefonso Junquero junquero at sainsel.es
Mon Jun 12 03:57:10 EDT 2000


    you're rigth, I didn't specify the -I option, but when I do:

    geod +ellps=WGS84 -I
    90n 0e 90s 0e
    -0d -0d -1.#IO        <-------- ????????
    90s 0e 0s 0e
    180d 0d 10001965.717  <-----------|
    90s 0e 10n 0e                     |------- the second distance is
shorter than
    180d 0d 8896110.884   <-----------|        the first!!!!!

    I agree with you in the fact that specifying either polar point
creates *all sorts* of problems.

    Best regards.


                  Ildefonso Junquero      e at mail : junquero at sainsel.es
    ___    __o    Software Engineer
   ____  _'\<,_   Sainsel Sistemas Navales S.A.
 ______ (*)/ (*)  C/ Manuel Velasco Pando, N. 7
                  41007 Sevilla (Spain)
   Go faster!     Phone : +34-95-493 64 65
  Use the byke!   Fax   : +34-95-493 64 33

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