[OSRS-PROJ] nad2nad bombing

Jack Bowling jbinpg at shaw.ca
Tue Apr 22 02:44:31 EDT 2003

I have a series of GPS-ed UTM points done in NAD83 datum but the topo charts I have on which to plot them are *old* NAD27 using Clarke ellipsoid.

I tried the following on my linux box to convert. The input file is just a text file of UTM pairs:

$ nad2nad -i 83,utm=10 -o 27,utm=10 -r ntv1_can.dat < /home/jb/docs/birds/NOS/bowron/txt/utm83.txt
Rel. 4.4.7, 31 March 2003
datum file: ntv1_can.dat, failed: failed to load NAD27-83 correction file
program abnormally terminated

The ntv1_can.dat file is in /usr/local/share/proj. I did this last year in June using the then current version of proj with perfect results. Perhaps somebody can show me the errors of my ways. 

Yes, I know I should be using cs2cs instead of nad2nad if I want the ellisoid transform but the difference is within a few metres so it really is not that important on the scale of chart I am dealing with.


Jack Bowling Prince George, BC mailto:jbinpg at shaw.ca
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