[Proj] Additional up coming mods to libproj4

Gerald I. Evenden geraldi.evenden at gmail.com
Sun Oct 19 10:47:09 EDT 2008

Besides the inverse material for some projections I took a couple of minutes 
to add the proj_initstr(chr *) entry to the library as an alternative to 
proj_init(int, char **);  In addition, each string field of the later entry 
may have multiple white-space separated projection options in the string.  
The net result of this is that one can use lproj in the following manner:

lproj "+proj=poly ellps=intl lon_0=90w" +lat_0=40 infile

where the ellps= and lon_0= options are processed properly along with proj= 
and lat_0=.  Remember that the "+" part of the options is only necessary for 
[l]proj to identify the runline parameter as a libproj option and not a 

For those who use the library directly:

P=proj_initstr("proj=poly ellps=intl lon_0=90w lat_0=40");

may be used as an alternative to proj_init and is processed the same as the 
lproj example.

I believe that Warmerdam has done something similar with his value added 

The change is simple as the rcsdiff listing of proj_init.c shows: (note: there 
is the prototype

PROJ *proj_initstr(char *);

added to lib_proj.h)

< LIBPROJ_ID[] = "$Id: proj_init.c,v 3.1 2006/01/11 01:38:18 gie Exp $";
> LIBPROJ_ID[] = "$Id: proj_init.c,v 3.2 2008/10/19 02:33:51 gie Exp $";
< proj_init(int argc, char **argv) {
> proj_init(int argc, char *argv[]) {
< 	int i;
> 	int i, first = 1;
< 	for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
< 		if (i)
< 			curr = curr->next = proj_mkparam(argv[i]);
< 		else
< 			start = curr = proj_mkparam(argv[i]);
> 	for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
> 		char *ss;
> 		for (ss = argv[i]; (ss = strtok(ss, " \t")) != NULL; ss = NULL)
> 			if (first) {
> 				start = curr = proj_mkparam(ss);
> 				first = 0;
> 			} else
> 				curr = curr->next = proj_mkparam(ss);
> 	}
> 	PROJ *
> proj_initstr(char *str) {
> 	char * plist[1];
> 	plist[0] = str;
> 	return(proj_init(1, plist));
> }
> ** Revision 3.2  2008/10/19 02:33:51  gie
> ** added proj_initstr(char *str) entry as well as allowing
> ** multiple control entries per argv[] elements.
> ** Thus "proj=xxx ellps=xxx lon_0=xxx" are allowed.
> **

The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due
to the absence from Jerusalem of a lunatic asylum.
-- Havelock Ellis (1859-1939) British psychologist

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