[Proj] Coming releases of PROJ.4

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Jun 23 04:37:16 EST 2017

> I did the following search:
> https://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=%23include+%3Cprojects.h%3E&perpkg=1

Looking also for #include "projects.h" brings more projects to your below list:
ogdi-dfsg, libgeo-proj4-perl, gpx2shp, pdl, python-pyproj

( I removed qtcreator, postbooks which have unrelated projects.h header. And 
gnudatalanguage for which the include is actually commented in favor of proj_api )

> It returns 7 relevant projects. Basemap, Mapserver, Python-pyproj, Thuban,
> Therion, Paraview and SAGA.

Consider mapserver out of this list. The only user is mapscript/php/php_proj.c and this file 
isn't is any CMakeList.txt. When adding it, compilation fails on many things, not related to 
projects.h itself

Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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