[Shapelib] Shapelib 1.3.0 alpha 2

Bram de Greve bram.degreve at bramz.net
Thu Sep 17 13:11:30 EST 2009

Hi Frank,

I tried to build the alpha on windows, and had to fix a snprintf issue
to get things compiling.  Other than that, it seems find ...
Do you want me to commit it to CVS?  If I can find back my credentials,
that is =)


Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Folks,
> I have been negligent for years in producing a new Shapelib release
> despite a bunch of ongoing work - mostly driven by the needs of GDAL/OGR.
> I have made a few updates to the web page, including anonymous CVS access
> information and a pointer to the alternate download site.
>    http://shapelib.maptools.org/
> I have also uploaded a 1.3.0 "alpha 2" release at:
>    http://download.osgeo.org/shapelib/shapelib-1.3.0a2.zip
>    http://download.osgeo.org/shapelib/shapelib-1.3.0a2.tar.gz
> I have yet to properly document recent changes, but I'd appreciate feedback
> leading up to a formal 1.3.0 release.
> Best regards,

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