[TinyOWS-dev] [tinyows] #15: Insert transaction doesn't return id of features in the response

Normand Savard nsavard at mapgears.com
Tue Apr 21 13:33:10 EST 2009

Olivier Courtin wrote:
>> Next, I don't think we need to generate a random id when idgen =
>>  Generatenew or when idgen = ReplaceDuplicate.  For my part I would take
>>  the id of the last feature in the layer and increment it by one.  I think
>>  it will be simpler to manage.
> Yes for serial PostgreSQL type it could be done quite easily,
> but what about other data types ?  :
>  - varchar one
>  - (long) int one
>      - > with collision risk on several simultaneous requests
> On the other hand a reliable random id generator ANSI compliant
> could be a pain to implement, i took any suggestion ! :)

Why not let Postgresql manage that?  I mean insert a feature with no id 
at all and retrieve the last inserted value from the layer sequence 
table.  This is what I did to make Alexandre Tinyows version works.  
What do you think?  If you want I could send you what I did.


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