[TinyOWS-dev] [tinyows] #15: Insert transaction doesn't return id of features in the response

Olivier Courtin olivier.courtin at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 01:31:31 EST 2009


Why not let Postgresql manage that?  I mean insert a feature with no id at
> all and retrieve the last inserted value from the layer sequence table.
>  This is what I did to make Alexandre Tinyows version works.  What do you
> think?

Yes i'm agree on that !
I've begin to wrote some code on this base (not yet commited)

But it will only be good if there's a PostgreSQL sequence related to
a PK column.

So on the other case, i (yet) don't have magical thought to handle that
(except a random generator)

>  If you want I could send you what I did.

Yes please ! :)

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