[TinyOWS-dev] [tinyows] #29: PropertyIsEqualTo/NotEqualTo request seem to fail when testing for property is a boolean

tinyows trac at camptocamp.com
Mon Mar 30 16:09:24 EST 2009

#29: PropertyIsEqualTo/NotEqualTo request seem to fail when testing for property
is a boolean
     Reporter:  assefa      |           Owner:             
         Type:  defect      |          Status:  closed     
     Priority:  blocker     |         Version:  SVN        
   Resolution:  invalid     |        Keywords:             
        Stage:  Unreviewed  |        Approval:  Unnecessary
        Patch:  None        |      Complexity:  Unknown    
Compatibility:  Unknown     |   Specification:  Unnecessary
Changes (by assefa):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => invalid


 ah, missed that. works as expected now. closing the bug as invalid. Thanks

Ticket URL: <https://www.tinyows.org/trac/tinyows/ticket/29#comment:2>
tinyows <https://www.tinyows.org/trac/tinyows>

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