[Cartoweb-dev] translation es_MX

Oliver Christen oliver.christen at camptocamp.com
Thu Aug 30 04:21:32 EDT 2007


1) configure correctly your Linux : 
be sure your locales (language) configuration is set correctly (http://www.linux.com/articles/53781)

2) test getText :
Run script /cartoweb3/scripts/testgettext.sh
Run script /cartoweb3/scripts/testgettext.php

3) add language in client.ini :
in file /cartoweb3/projects/{your project}/client.ini, write 
defaultLang = es
langList = es

!!!! Cartoweb only recognise 2 letters language code, so "es_MX" will not work

if "es" is not good for you, I suppose you can create a language alias in Linux locales configuration. Something like:

mx    es_MX.ISO-8859-1

and then use this alias in Cartoweb:
defaultLang = mx
langList = mx




  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Paul Dc 
  To: cartoweb-dev at lists.maptools.org 
  Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 2:08 AM
  Subject: [Cartoweb-dev] translation es_MX

  im trying to do the translation to spanish (Mexico) for the demoCW3. the OS es hostGIS based on slackware and i have change the .po files 
  server.po to server.es_MX.po
  client.po to client.es_MX.po
  demoCW3.en to demoCW3.es_MX 
  server.demoCW3.en.po to server.demoCW3.es_MX.po

  all manual with out the help of the gettext although we have the gettext install and we dont know how to make it work if you want to ckeck out the translation i will send it to you to make part of the demo  
  and if you could help me telling me how do i make it work i read the documentation but y dont understand really 


  Paul DC
  Asistente de investigacion 
  Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora 


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