[Cartoweb-dev] Customizing the Outline plugin for geo-databasequeries

Oliver Christen oliver.christen at camptocamp.com
Thu May 8 08:30:54 EDT 2008


use the edit plugin, it will save the point, line or polygones in a postgis database.
see the demo http://www.cartoweb.org/demos/demoEdit.php and the usage manual http://www.cartoweb.org/cwiki/HowToUseTheEdition

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: E. Appora-Gnékindy 
  To: cartoweb-dev at lists.maptools.org 
  Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 2:26 PM
  Subject: [Cartoweb-dev] Customizing the Outline plugin for geo-databasequeries


  I am working on a volunteer-based project that would use Map Server, Cartoweb and PostGIS. The prpject would use volunteers on the Internet to look at sattelite imagery over the African continent and identify feature such as roads, fileds , bridges etc. These will be saved in a PostGIS geodatabase.

  Basically, users would draw points, lines and polylines on the map shown to them. My task is to write a cartoweb plugin to save the result in PostGIS. 
  Currently, features drawn with  the outline plugin seem to be persistent only for the current session. We want the plugin  to save figures drawn on the map into the database for future use. 
  If someone has ideas on how this can be achieved, I would be very grateful.


  University of Bangui
  Central African Republic


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