[Cartoweb-users] Symlink vs Miniproxy

Alexandre Saunier alexandre.saunier at camptocamp.com
Thu Sep 1 14:28:37 EDT 2005


you will find examples in the manual at section "Templating > Resources":

Resources (pictos/JS/CSS files, etc.) are stored within plugins/projects 
and are then generally not directly downloadable. To make them 
available, CartoWeb uses symbolic links (created using cw3setup.php 
setupLinks) or a kind of small PHP proxy.

Resources URLs then look like:
- layers/css/toto.css (urlProvider=Symlink)
- r.php?t=css&pl=layers&r=toto.css (urlProvider=Miniproxy)

Under Linux systems, Symlink is recommended (faster).


Gambin Dejan wrote:
> Can someone explain me the difference between the two url providers and
> which one should be better to use when benchmarking (I must have a way
> to generate urls for this purpose)

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