[Chameleon] Statistics for a chameleon server

Paul Spencer pagameba at magma.ca
Mon Aug 9 07:57:02 EDT 2004


that's a neat widget idea.  I think a generic logging widget would be a 
useful thing for quite a few people.  It may be useful to have it hooked 
into the admin capability perhaps.

Unfortunately, I don't have any plans to add such a widget, but if you 
or someone else does, I'll certainly look at incorporating it into the 
chameleon distribution.



J. Delfos wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just wanted to ask whether anyone else has ever bothered to keep 
> statistics of their chameleon site, and what would be the best way to do 
> so? The problems I run into is that I don't want to use some image that 
> needs to be downloaded for statistics to be done remotely, because that 
> can hold things up (especially when using the 'onload' functionality to 
> trigger chameleon functionality). If I use an apache log analyser, I 
> usually would have to set up a whole statistics webpage, and I'm not too 
> happy with the security some of those things offer. Also, the statistics 
> from the log are not too useful, because users refreshing the page 
> (submitting) results in multiple entries, and if you run more than one 
> chameleon site you cannot tell easily what belongs to what (using a 
> database to split up results doesn't work, because the URL strings are 
> too long).
> Does anyone have a better idea? Perhaps a statistics widget that uses 
> session info?
> Regards,
> Jacob
> Maunsell Australia Pty Ltd
> 629 Newcastle Street
> PO Box 81
> Leederville 6902
> Western Australia
> ABN 20 093 846 925
> Tel     + 61 8 9281 6185
> Fax    + 61 8 9281 6297
> jacob.delfos at maunsell.com <mailto:jacob.delfos at maunsell.com>
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|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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