[Chameleon] Chameleon 1.99 Beta 2

Paul Spencer pagameba at magma.ca
Wed Jul 28 07:57:07 EDT 2004


*                                                                     *
* NOTE: if you are an existing user of Chameleon 1.99 beta1 or some   *
* CVS version, it is very important to read the note on configuration *
* changes in the New Features section.                                *
*                                                                     * 


Chameleon 1.99 Beta 2 is now available, it is based on the CVS version 
as of 9 July 2004.

It can be downloaded from the following locations:

Linux (tar.gz):


Windows (zip):


Windows MS4W (zip):


New Features:

* bug 343: added a new Service Instance mode for Chameleon, called cwc2. 
  cwc2 is a subdirectory of the chameleon installation and is an 
application built upon chameleon that allows remote users to create 
applications without a local installation of chameleon. Documentation is 
still coming for this, this should be considered an ALPHA feature for 
this release.  There is more information on the service instance at the 
end of this email (see CWC2 Service Instance Notes below)

*                                             *
*                                             *

With the addition of the service instance (called cwc2), I have finally 
fixed up the configuration files.  The configuration file in beta1 was 
called cwc2.xml for historical reasons (since chameleon was originally 
called CWC2).  It contained several parameters that were only really 
needed by the service instance but I left them in because I knew that 
this service instance was coming back at some point.  So now that it is 
back, I have split the configuration file into two separate files, 
chameleon.xml and cwc2.xml.  It is NOT sufficient to rename your 
cwc2.xml to chameleon.xml.  The splitting process resulted in the 
removal of some completely unnecessary elements, the adding of new 
parameters, and changing the names of some elements.

You MUST start from the xml-dist versions of these files.  You will find 
that you can copy some settings from the existing cwc2.xml into the 
appropriate place in either chameleon.xml or the new cwc2.xml.

For ms4w users, the package comes pre-configured so you don't have to 
worry about this at all.

For non-ms4w users, you may want to check out the ms4w version's 
configuration files if you are having difficulty.

*** back to the release notes ***

* added sample xml and xsd documents for upcoming widget documentation 

* bug 478: updated the cwc2.xml file for ms4w installations

* bug 101: added a link to the service instance in the ms4w package

* added the picker common utilities to the chameleon build process

* added ms4w directory to cvs to house the ms4w configuration files, 
updated the Makefile to allow creation of the ms4w distribution files 


* KeyMapDHTML2 renamed to KeyMapDHTML

* updated CWC2_INSTALLATION.txt for version 1.99, still needs works and 
should be renamed

* bug 367: added optional compression formats as widget attributes to 
the ExtractWFSData widget, and added ZIP to the available formats.

Bug Fixes:

* bug 440: removed session variables relating to the GD module and 
FreeType version as part of cleaning up the configuration files.

* removed extraneous error messages

* added colorpicker to the build process for SECTPopup

* bug 443: fixed a problem with figuring out the application web path 
under some circumstances

* bug 444: fixed a problem in popup dialogs if the requested 
popupstyleresource was not also referenced as a styleresource somewhere 
in the template

* bug 445: fixed a problem in popup dialogs if no styleresource or 
popupstyle resource is used, buttons are now represented as HTML buttons 
in this case.

* bug 446: fixed naming issue in many of the sample templates 
(ReferenceLayer was incorrectly named InfoLayer)

* fixed include path problem in KeepSessionAlive widget

* bug 398: fixed problem with KeyMapDHTML widget when the aspect ratio 
of the keymap was not the same as the main map

* bug 453: modifications to enable JSAPI mode again

* fixed bug 392

* bug 422: added widgetclass attribute to Scale widget

* bug 320: fixed a problem with getWFSConnection if the connection is 

* Added GetAvailableWidgets function to list all available widgets

* bug 480: capture missing default context or template errors and 
present as a service exception

* bug 501: fix a problem with Button.php, button names were being used 
as the name/id of html elements but the button names were randomly 
generated and could start with a number, which is invalid for use as a 
name in HTML.

* bug 93: widgets can now exist on different forms by setting the 
formindex attribute.  This also fixed a problem with widgets not 
respecting the visible and enabled attributes.

* bug 486: fixed syntax error in HelpWidget

* bug 104: fixed a bug related to widgets that should never be part of 
toolsets, but were able to be.

* bug 190: fixed a bug in the ROIRenderer when drawing ROIs and the 
session is expired, the ROI image became broken.  Now it displays 
"session expired".

* fixed a problem in the LegendTemplate widget where deleted layers 
would be 'undeleted' if they were previously visible before deleting them.

CWC2 Service Instance Notes

In lieu of real documentation, I'm providing some working notes at this 
time.  This will eventually show up in one of the chameleon documents :)

**** CWC2 Users Guide ****

Installing the CWC2 Service Instance

The CWC2 Service Instance is installed with the Chameleon package by 
default.  To access the Service Instance, you will need to adjust your 
system configuration and edit the Service Instance configuration file to 
reflect your system's configuration.

Note that the Service Instance requires a properly installed and 
configured Chameleon package, please follow the Chameleon installation 
instructions and ensure that Chameleon is fully functional before 
attempting to configure the Service Instance.

System Configuration

You will need to configure your Web Server to grant access to at least 
one directory in the service instance.  Two other directories are 
optional.  The following table is a suggested configuration:

URL                         Required? Path
--------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
http://<myserver>/cwc2      YES       <install-path>/chameleon/cwc2/htdocs/
http://<myserver>/templates NO 
http://<myserver>/contexts  NO 

Service Instance Configuration

You will need to make a copy of the cwc2.xml-dist file found in the 
<install-path>/chameleon/config folder and name it cwc2.xml.  You will 
need to edit at least some of the settings found in this file.  Each 
configuration item is described in the xml document, but as a minimum 
you should review the following items:

Config Item            Set to ...
---------------------  -----------------------------------------------
service_instance_path  URL to service instance htdocs folder (from above)
server_data_path       <install-path>/chameleon/cwc2/data
context_root           <install-path>/chameleon/cwc2/contexts/
template_root          <install-path>/chameleon/cwc2/templates
fontlist_file          <install-path>/chameleon/cwc2/etc/fonts.txt
symbol_file            <install-path>/chameleon/cwc2/etc/symbols.sym

Testing the Service Instance

Assuming that the above configuration is implemented correctly, the 
Service Instance should now be fully functional.  You can test your 
Service Instance by connecting to the following URL:


You should receive the following message:

request URI was http://<myserver>/cwc2/cwc2.php
query string was
Missing mandatory SERVICE parameter

This error message means that the Web Server is correctly providing 
access to the Service Instance.

Normally, the Service Instance is configured to provide a default 
application and context.  If you followed the instructions above, you 
can access the default application and context by connecting to the 
following URL:


Please read the CWC2 Service Instance Users Guide to find out more about 
communicating with and using the features of the Service Instance

Getting Help

The CWC2 Service Instance is part of the Chameleon package available 
from http://www.maptools.org.  Please visit the Chameleon web site at 
http://www.maptools.org/chameleon to access information about using 
Bugzilla and the Chameleon users mailing list.

**** CWC2 USERS GUIDE ****

CWC2 Service Instance Users Guide

Getting Started

Please refer to the CWC2 Service Instance Installation Guide for 
instructions on getting your Service Instance installed and tested. 
This document assumes that you have a fully functional and correctly 
configured Service Instance.

Terms and Definitions


Service Instance - TBD

Chameleon - TBD

CWC2 Service Instance Server - TBD

Application - TBD


Basic Concepts

The CWC2 Service Instance is an application built on top of the 
Chameleon engine that allows application developers to create web 
mapping applications by creating an Application Template and a Web Map 
Context document.  It will only work with WMS layers.

The CWC2 Service Instance is a web service that can be invoked by 
clients using only a web browser.

Service Exceptions

A Service Exception is the term used to describe the result of an error 
that happens in the CWC2 Service Instance.  The CWC2 Service Instance is 
designed to capture internal errors and report them in a standard, 
machine-parsable way using structured XML documents.  Whenever an error 
is trapped internally, CWC2 will generate and return a Service Exception 
instead of the application.  The intention is to provide sufficient 
information to the user to allow for troubleshooting of the problem that 
caused the Service Exception to be triggered.  Service Exceptions can 
happen at any time and for a wide variety of reasons.

<NOTE: service exceptions are currently just plain text>

Common Request Parameters

This section describes parameters that are common to every invocation of 
the Service Instance.

The REQUEST parameter indicates which operation is being invoked and its 
value is one of the names of the operations supported by the service 
instance.  The REQUEST parameter is mandatory in every invocation of the 
service instance.

The VERSION parameter indicates the protocol version number and is 
mandatory in every invocation of the service instance.

The SERVICE parameter indicates the service that is being requested. 
Some web services can be configured to provide multiple services through 
the same base URL.  In the case of CWC2, this is not yet possible, 
however, this parameter is provided for compatibility with existing 
services and for possible future requirements.  The SERVICE parameter is 
mandatory in every invocation of the service instance.

Supported REQUESTs

The CWC2 Service Instance supports two REQUESTs, described below.


<NOTE: not yet implemented>

The purpose of the GetCapabilities operation is to describe the 
operating parameters of a particular Service Instance to enable clients 
to use the service in an effective manner.

GetCapabilites Request Parameters
The GetCapabilities operation has three mandatory paramters, SERVICE, 
REQUEST and VERSION, described in the following table:

Parameter               Required/   Description
SERVICE=VCG                R        Service name, must be VCG.
REQUEST=GetCapabilities    R        request name, must be GetCapabilities
VERSION=<version>          R        supported protocol version number

GetCapabilities Reponse
The response to the GetCapabilities request is an XML document.  This 
feature is not yet implemented.


The purpose of the GetApplication operation is to generate a client 
application based on the parameters provided when invoking the service.

GetCapabilites Request Parameters
The GetApplication operation has three mandatory paramters and six 
optional parameters described in the following table:

Parameter               Required/   Description
SERVICE=VCG                R        Service name, must be VCG.
REQUEST=GetApplication     R        request name, must be GetApplication
VERSION=<version>          R        supported protocol version number
LANGUAGES=<list>           O        a list of languages
TEMPLATES=<list>           O        a list of application template paths or
CONTEXTS=<list>            O        a list of context paths or URLs
LANGUAGE=<lang>            O        the language to display
BBOX=<list>                O        a comma separated list of coordinates
                                     that describe the initial spatial 
                                     to be displayed to the user
SRS=<srs>                  O        a spatial reference system, must be 
a valid
                                     EPSG code, to be used for the 
initial map

A list of language specifiers separated by commas.  Languages are 
specified in the form of a two-character language code followed by a 
dash and a two character country code.  Service instances will list 
supported languages in the capabilities document.  Unsupported languages 
may be requested, but the service instance will use the default language 
for unsupported languages.

This parameter is optional unless TEMPLATES is set, in which case it is 

A list of application template paths or URLs separated by commas.  A 
template is identified by either a relative path on the server (relative 
to the template root directory specified in the service instance 
configuration) or a URL to a web-accessible template.  The templates are 
listed in the same order as the LANGUAGES, with one template required 
for each supported language (even if the same template supports every 
language).  URLs must be in the standard 
http://<server>/path/template.html format and must be URL-encoded.

This parameter is optional unless LANGUAGES is set, in which case it is 
mandatory.  The service instance defines a default template in its 
configuration file.

A list of web map context paths or URLs separated by commas.    A 
context is identified by either a relative path on the server (relative 
to a directory specified in the service instance configuration) or a URL 
to a web-accessible context.  The contexts are loaded in the order in 
which they appear in this value, and the projection and spatial extents 
are taken from the last context loaded (see Common Problems below).  The 
order of the contexts determines the order in which the layers of each 
context are drawn.  Layers from the first context in the list are drawn 
first, layers from later contexts are drawn 'on top' of earlier ones. 
URLs must be in the standard http://<server>/path/template.html format 
and must be URL-encoded.

This parameter is optional.  The service instance defines a default 
value in its configuration file.

The lanuage to use to display the application.  This will cause one of 
the templates to be selected from the available TEMPLATES.

This parameter is optional.  The service instance defines a default 
value in its configuration file.

The BBOX provides a mechanism to define a different set of initial 
spatial extents that the default.  By default, the Service Instance will 
use the extents defined in the last context opened.  This may not be 
appropriate in all cases, especially when providing multiple contexts. 
The format for this parameter is to provide a comma-separated list of 
values in the following order:


The values are specified in georeferenced coordinates and depend on the 
spatial reference system of the initial view.

The SRS provides a mechanism to define a different spatial reference 
system that the default.  By default, the Service Instance will use the 
SRS defined in the last context opened.  This may not be appropriate in 
all cases, especially when providing multiple contexts.  This parameter 
must use EPSG codes in the following format:


Common Problems

When specifying a template or a context, you must do so in relation to 
the Service Instance server.  This means that if the context or template 
that you wish to access is on the Service Instance server, then it must 
reside in the Service Instances defined template directory or context 
directory (or a subdirectory of these).  If the context or template is 
not on the Service Instance server, then you must refer to it using a 
valid URL.  It is very important to note that the URL will be opened 
from the Service Instance server, so a URL that refers to localhost:


will most likely NOT work.  This is because the Service Instance, when 
it tries to open this URL, will be pointing to itself, most likely not 
the situation you intended.

Multiple CONTEXTS appear wrong
When specifying multiple CONTEXTS, the Service Instance will load them 
sequentially and use the BBOX and SRS defined in the last context it 
loads.  It is quite possible that the BBOX and SRS in the last context 
you want to load are not valid for all the contexts that you are trying 
to load.  For instance, if you try to load the world_context.xml and the 
gmap_context.xml (in that order) that come with the service instance, 
the world data will be displayed in LCC projection and will not appear 
to 'line up' with the gmap data.  The problem is that the projection is 
invalid for extents beyond Canada.  To fix this problem, you can 
manually provide a BBOX and SRS as part of the request.  In this case, 
changing the SRS to EPSG:4326 displays everything correctly.


The CWC2 Service Instance will only work with data that is accessible 
via WMS

The CWC2 Service Instance does not allow applications to define and 
access custom widgets unless they are installed in the Chameleon 
instance that the CWC2 Service Instance is configured to use.

*** end CWC2 USERS GUIDE ***

Some example invocations:

The base URL to the service instance is (note this is an invalid request):

The URL to get the Service Instance capabilities is (note this doesn't 
do anything yet):

The URL to get the default template, context and language is (note this 
is the most basic valid request):

The URL to get a single local template for a given language is:

The URL to get a single remote template for a given language is:

The URL to get a bilingual application using local templates is:

The URL to get a bilingual application using remote templates is:

The URL to get a single local context using default template and 
language is:

The URL to get a single remote context using default template and 
language is:

The URL to get multiple local contexts using default template and 
language is:

The URL to get multiple remote context using default template and 
language is:

The URL to get a fully remote, bilingual application using multiple 
contexts is:

The URL to get a fully remote, bilingual application using multiple 
contexts, and defining an SRS and BBOX:



|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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