[Chameleon] Sorry, this continues the message sent before.

alinares at me.gov.ar alinares at me.gov.ar
Mon Oct 24 17:11:38 EDT 2005

I'm sorry.. the message sent before went out before finish :P

Well... when trying goCWCJSAPI.RefreshMap() instead the UpdateMap widget get 
that only some layers changes it's status.
I've debuged with print_r($_POST) and get that my layernames get escaped with 
"_" in points and spaces.

So, I looked into the chameleon/htdocs/UpdateMap.php file, and added a line 
at the line 291:

290.		  $szName = $oLayer->name;
291.		$szName = str_replace(array(" ","."),"_",$szName);
292.		if(isset($HTTP_FORM_VARS[$szName]) )

My App don't need the layertemplate to get refreshed, so I've commented out 
the line 325 in the LegendTemplate.widget.php file:

323.	function {$szJsFunctionName}()
324.	{
325.	//    goCWCJSAPI.ProcessLegendTemplate({$this->mnId});
326.	}

I'm not very happy with this change, so I want to know if is there a way to 
tell not to refresh the LengendTemplate in my app without modify the widget.

Saludos for everyone


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