[Chameleon] possible errors in the description of tags, other ambiguities

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Wed Jul 18 02:18:59 EDT 2007

Maciej Sieczka wrote:

> I noticed possible errors in the description of tags in chameleon.xml
> and cwc2.xml. See:
> cwc2.xml, service_instance_path:
> It's description reads: "This is the URL to chameleon.php". Isn't this
> a copy/paste typo from chameleon.xml web_server_path tag by any chance?
> What should it be pointing at? An absolute filesystem path or an URL
> according to my Apache settings?

As there's been no reply, does that mean that everybody agrees that
both service_instance_path/cwc2.xml and web_server_path/chameleon.xml
should be pointing at the same "URL to chameleon.php"? If so, why does
the Chameleon instalation that comes with FGS has only it's
web_server_path/chameleon.xml set to "/chameleon/", while it's
service_instance_path/cwc2.xml points at the "/cwc2/"?

> chameleon.xml, wms_parse_file:
> "Leave empty to use the Chameleon C module if available (faster and
> brand new) or the built in PHP parser (slower and obsolete)."
> This doens't make sense to me. It says, AIUI, that if I leave it empty,
> either the C module, if available, or the PHP parser will be used. So
> why do I need to put anything here? Do I? The exact question is: if my
> full path to wmsparse is
> "/home/etc/chameleon/htdocs/common/wmsparse/wmsparse", shall I put it
> here like this or not?

Am I the only one who finds this description unclear?

> Also, the descriptions of the following tags in the cwc2.xml do not
> make it clear if these are supposed to be absolute filesystem paths or
> URLs according to my web server settings:
> server_data_path
> default_context
> default_template
> context_root
> template_root
> fontlist_file
> symbol_file

It would really be much help for beginners if tag's descriptions made
it clear if the paths are supposed to be URIs, URLs or
relative/absolute filesystem paths.

> Also, the Instalation Guide on [1] is not up-to-date with current
> Chameleon directory structure. And I'm not sure if I adapt it to the
> current one properly.
> [1]http://chameleon.maptools.org/help/viewer.phtml

Since 2.6 is comming, are there any plans to update the documentation?

Thanks for any help and answers.


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