[FGS] Re: tclhttpd with PHP

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Fri Jul 30 10:22:19 EDT 2004

> I'm not sure I understand why you still care about tclhttpd since we've
> found that Apache is more compact and better suits our needs. Plus if
> someone wants to integrate the FGS into a production server, it will
> likely be Apache so it's better if our stuff is already setup for
> Apache. Is there something you don't like about Apache?

I like the compact nature of tclhttpd, a MB here or there doesn't really 
matter to me.  If there are ways to minimize the need for another complex 
package, then I'm still interested.  I haven't seen Apache wrapped up so 
tight that it is easily distributable and configurable like this.  Isn't 
Apache 25MB in MS4W or is that something else?

If is't possible to wrap it up neatly, that's fine, but the portability of the 
tclhttpd setup is just so hard to beat.  I know he's got it working with PHP 
too, so I didn't want to just write it off.

I know what you mean about Apache being a preferred distribution and should be 
something we support - but it is a package I was hoping to avoid us having to 
spend time on.  That said, if anyone has time to work on it, I'm definitely 
not opposed.


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