[FGS] Uninstalling an FGS package

Normand Savard nsavard at mapgears.com
Tue Nov 27 10:05:27 EST 2007

Alan Hale wrote:

> I realised I had not got the latest Mapserver-Chameleon FGS package 
> installed and wanted to remove and install the latest.  Naively 
> perhaps I just deleted the fgs directory. But when I installed the 
> later version (or the original version again) neither the Chameleon 
> samples nor the FGS "home page" will show up. I am clutching at 
> straws, but could this be because I have not correctly uninstalled the 
> original installation? Is there an issue as well if you do not do fgs 
> stop before deleting?
> fgs-chameleon_2.2.1-1.3-linux-i386.bin was my original installation, then
> fgs-chameleon-2.4.1-1.9-linux-i386.bin
> In sonme panic.


The package on maptools are somehow out to date for now.  I suggest you 
to use Chameleon fgs package at 
http://download.osgeo.org/mapserver/fgs-msx/.  Follow the instructions 
at http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/download/nightly/fgs-msx-5.x.


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