[FGS] Starting apache error: httpd cannot execute binary file

Normand Savard nsavard at mapgears.com
Wed Oct 28 10:42:12 EST 2009

Haertjens, Michael wrote:
> I don't know if things have changed since the last time I attempted to
> build FGS on a 64 bit machine (about a year ago), but at that time, the
> automake/autoconf scripts for some of the libraries (jpeg comes to mind)
> knew nothing about 64 bit architectures.   I ended up doing a 32 bit
> build, which does run on 64 bit machines. 

We're not aware of any issue with jpeg library or any other but you may 
be right.  Nevertheless,
it's worth trying.

If it becomes a nightmare you could install ia32-libs for Sparc from here:



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