[FGS] https for php

Peter Korduan peter.korduan at uni-rostock.de
Tue Jul 20 11:24:46 EST 2010


how can I activate the SSL Transport Protokoll for PHP after a successfull installation of fgs including the package: fgs-apache_mod_ssl-module-2.2.8-linux-i386.tar.gz.

The apache is running with both protokolls http and https but if I call phpinfo() only the

 Registered Stream Socket Transports: tcp, udp, unix, udg

are listed. So I can not use calls like file_get_contents("https://www.server.xy/"); with PHP

The result is empty or if I try to call http://www.server.xy/ the result is: "Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?"
Because the server http://www.server.xy always route to https://www.server.xy.

I can not activate the https protokoll support by enabling the extension=php_openssl.dll in php.ini because it's for the windows distributions you know and a php_openssl.so don't exist actually in the directory www/lib/php5/.

Is it enough to install fgs-openssl-lib-0.9.8k-linux-i386.tar.gz but I hasitate, because it's not a php module.
Is it a problem with curl or with php?
Currently I have the following packages installed.

 * FGS API version : 9.5
* NAME                      VERSION
cat: /home/fgs/fgs/etc/fgs/pkgs/my_files.list/VERSION: Ist kein Verzeichnis
* agg-lib                   2.4
* apache-base               2.2.11
* apache_mod_ssl-module     2.2.8
* curl-lib                  7.19.4
* expat-base                2.0.1
* freetype-lib              2.3.9
* gdal-base                 1.6.1
* gd-lib                    2.0.35
* geos-lib                  3.1.0
* gmap-demo                 1.0.0
* imagemagick-base          6.5.1-10
* jpeg-lib                  6b
* libgcc-lib                1
* libgeotiff-lib            1.2.5
* libiconv-base             1.12
* libpng-lib                1.2.35
* libstdc++-lib             6.0.8
* libungif-base             4.1.4
* libxml2-base              2.7.3
* mapserver-base            5.4.2
* mapserver-php             5.4.0
* ming-lib                  0.4.2
* my_files.list
* openssl-lib               0.9.8k
* php-base                  5.2.5
* php_curl-module           5.2.5
* php_http-module           1.6.0
* php_mysql-module          5.2.9
* php_pgsql-module          5.2.9
* postgis-lib               1.3.5
* postgresql-lib            8.3.7
* postgresql-server         8.3.7
* proj4_epsg42xxx-support   proj
* proj-lib                  4.6.1
* tiff-lib                  3.8.2
* unixODBC-base             2.2.12
* xerces_c-base             3.0.1
* zlib-lib                  1.2.3

Thanks for any respons,

Kind Regards Peter Korduan

Universität Rostock

Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Institut für Management ländlicher Räume

Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6

18059 Rostock

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