[FGS] https for php

Julien-Samuel Lacroix jlacroix at mapgears.com
Tue Jul 20 11:50:51 EST 2010


Sorry there's no openssl package for php in FGS (needed to open https 
url). You can make one or use cURL to open https URL.

Best regards,

On 10-07-20 12:24 PM, Peter Korduan wrote:
> Hi,
> how can I activate the SSL Transport Protokoll for PHP after a
> successfull installation of fgs including the package:
> *fgs-apache_mod_ssl-module-2.2.8-linux-i386.tar.gz*.
> The apache is running with both protokolls http and https but if I call
> phpinfo() only the
> Registered Stream Socket Transports: tcp, udp, unix, udg
> are listed. So I can not use calls like
> file_get_contents("https://www.server.xy/"); with PHP
> The result is empty or if I try to call http://www.server.xy/ the result
> is: “Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to
> enable it when you configured PHP?”
> Because the server http://www.server.xy always route to
> https://www.server.xy.
> I can not activate the https protokoll support by enabling the
> extension=php_openssl.dll in php.ini because it’s for the windows
> distributions you know and a php_openssl.so don’t exist actually in the
> directory www/lib/php5/.
> Is it enough to install *fgs-openssl-lib-0.9.8k-linux-i386.tar.gz* but I
> hasitate, because it’s not a php module.
> Is it a problem with curl or with php?
> Currently I have the following packages installed.
>   * FGS API version : 9.5
> * NAME                      VERSION
> cat: /home/fgs/fgs/etc/fgs/pkgs/my_files.list/VERSION: Ist kein Verzeichnis
> * agg-lib                   2.4
> * apache-base               2.2.11
> * apache_mod_ssl-module     2.2.8
> * curl-lib                  7.19.4
> * expat-base                2.0.1
> * freetype-lib              2.3.9
> * gdal-base                 1.6.1
> * gd-lib                    2.0.35
> * geos-lib                  3.1.0
> * gmap-demo                 1.0.0
> * imagemagick-base          6.5.1-10
> * jpeg-lib                  6b
> * libgcc-lib                1
> * libgeotiff-lib            1.2.5
> * libiconv-base             1.12
> * libpng-lib                1.2.35
> * libstdc++-lib             6.0.8
> * libungif-base             4.1.4
> * libxml2-base              2.7.3
> * mapserver-base            5.4.2
> * mapserver-php             5.4.0
> * ming-lib                  0.4.2
> * my_files.list
> * openssl-lib               0.9.8k
> * php-base                  5.2.5
> * php_curl-module           5.2.5
> * php_http-module           1.6.0
> * php_mysql-module          5.2.9
> * php_pgsql-module          5.2.9
> * postgis-lib               1.3.5
> * postgresql-lib            8.3.7
> * postgresql-server         8.3.7
> * proj4_epsg42xxx-support   proj
> * proj-lib                  4.6.1
> * tiff-lib                  3.8.2
> * unixODBC-base             2.2.12
> * xerces_c-base             3.0.1
> * zlib-lib                  1.2.3
> Thanks for any respons,
> Kind Regards Peter Korduan
> Universität Rostock
> Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät
> Institut für Management ländlicher Räume
> Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6
> 18059 Rostock
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Julien-Samuel Lacroix

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