[FWTools] fwtools for python 2.4?

Sune Broendum Woeller sune at woeller.dk
Fri Nov 24 01:53:37 EST 2006

Hi Frank,

Are there any windows build scripts / instructions etc. for 
the suite of components of FWTools that you can share? If i 
wanted to give it a try myself? I have been trying to 
compile the stack bit by bit, but its not quite working for 
me so far.


Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Sune Broendum Woeller wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> Are there any plans for making a build of FWTools with python 2.4?
> Sune,
> There is no planned timeline for transitioning FWTools to python 2.4 (or 
> 2.5).
>  From my end it doesn't seem like a pressing issue, and it is quite a 
> big job.
> I realize that FWTools is not great package if you are wanting to integrate
> with other python components are are built against a different python
> version, but then that was never really an objective.
> Best regards,

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