[FWTools] install mapserver from FWtools for linux

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Wed Aug 8 15:48:20 EDT 2007

Peter Shrock wrote:
> Hello, Frank:
> I never used Linux and do not have a Linux system. 
> I found that Both MS4W and FWTools targeted new complete installation of
> MapServer, which is great. However, there are also quite a few times that GIS
> people have to deal with existing systems with very limited previledges. 
> I am wondering if it is possible for FWTools to issue a "thin" FWTools
> mapserver package targeting existing Apache/PHP/PostGIS environment, which has
> the mapserver cgi, the corresponding libraries (libpng, freetype, libgd, Zlib,
> Proj4, GEOS, GDAL), and warpper script. Mapserver will support WMS and PostGIS.
> After I posted my quesiton, I have received inqueries regarding my progress. I
> think this "thin" FWTools package will serve a certian percentage of Open GIS
> community members and promote Open Source GIS.


It would certainly be possible to construct a relatively light mapserver
build that is fairly easily to upload and use in the fashion you need to.
But it really goes beyond what I want to do.  The key to my keeping FWTools
alive is to keep it as simple as possible for me to regenerate.  Such
variants would interfere with that.

Of course, if someone else wants to do it - either starting with FWTools
or from scratch, that would be great.

BTW, does your server have postgres+postgis on it?   If not, it
seems like *that* part could be quite a barrier.  FWTools only includes
the postgres client libraries, not the database itself.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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