[FWTools] using gdalwarp for converting hdf5 to geotiff

stephane.poirier at usherbrooke.ca stephane.poirier at usherbrooke.ca
Fri Aug 15 13:32:19 EDT 2008

Hi all,

Using gdalinfo on the hdf5 data I created, I get the following:

SUBDATASET_0_DESC=[160x240] //lat (64-bit floating-point)
SUBDATASET_1_DESC=[160x240] //lon (64-bit floating-point)
SUBDATASET_2_DESC=[160x240] //tsat/01/01 (64-bit floating-point)
SUBDATASET_366_DESC=[160x240] //tsat/12/31 (64-bit floating-point)

The first two datasets represents the latitude and longitude for each subsequent datasets in my hdf5.

Attempting to convert one dataset to geotiff using gdalwarp as: gdalwarp HDF5:"g:\tsat_hdf5\tsat_2007.h5"://tsat/01/01 tsat_20070101.tif

I got the following error message "ERROR 1: Unable to compute a transformation between pixel/line and georeferenced coordinates for HDF5:g:\tsat_hdf5\tsat_2007.h5://tsat/01/01. There is no affine transformation and no GCPs.".

How must I prepare my hdf5 file for the gdalwarp to geotiff conversion works?

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