[FWTools] gdal_translate question

ChristinaPSU mail at drsdatarecovery.com
Wed Sep 24 11:32:41 EDT 2008


I have downloaded a Blue Marble PNG image from visibleearth.nasa.gov:



its 21600 x 21600 and 347.3MB.

What I want to be able to do is select a tile of that image by giving gdal_translate lat/long corners and output a jpeg file. I have tried these command line parameters:

gdal_translate -projwin -93.246226 44.892179 -93.195672 44.866816 -outsize 9424 4728 -of JPEG world.200407.3x21600x21600.C1.png output.jpg
This generates the following errors:

Input file size is 21600, 21600
Computed -srcwin -93 44 0 0 from projected window.
Computed -srcwin falls outside raster size of 21600x21600.

What am I doing wrong?

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