[FWTools] Problems with GML to Shapefile
Paul Wittle
pwittle at pba.co.uk
Mon Jan 12 06:02:30 EST 2009
I'm having trouble running the following code from a batch file and I
can't work out what is wrong.
C:\FWTools2.2.8\bin\ogr2ogr.exe -f "ESRI Shapefile"
"C:\Import\shape\1_CS.shp" "C:\Import\gml\1.gml" CS -a_srs EPSG:4277
[my install dir for FWTools] -f [convert to] [output shapefile name]
[input gml layer] [layer in gml] [OSGB projection] [update file if it
As far as I can tell it worked on one computer and not on another, am I
missing something fundamental in terms of the declaration?
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