[FWTools] Newb problem - exporting

Geoff Mark geoff at geoffmark.com
Tue Feb 21 19:07:34 EST 2012

The steps I took:

*File *| *Import *| (I find ADF on my hard drive) | *Ok*
  - It builds overviews, then I see the file in greyscale

*File *| *Export *| (I select the same output dir as input, give it new 
name.)  (It doesn't matter what Output format I choose, they all do 
nothing when I ...) | *Export*

I've tried most of the output formats.  I'm using Full output 
resolution.  Plenty of room on my HD.

Thoughts?  Thanks,

On 2/21/2012 12:10 PM, Geoff Mark wrote:
> Thanks for responding Frank.
> Is this what you're looking for:
> Size: 10812P x 10812L x 1Bands
> Driver: GeoTIFF
> Origin: -120.000555556 40.0005555556
> Pixel Size: 9.2592592593e-005 x 9.2592593e-005
> Projection:
>       DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",
>           SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.2572221010002]],
>       PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
>       UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]
> Metadata:
>       AREA_OR_POINT: Area
> Band  1: Type=Float32
> Looks like raster?
> - Geoff
> On 2/21/2012 11:43 AM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>> Geoff,
>> There are both raster and vector ADF files.  I'm not clear on which you
>> have.  If you can provide a gdalinfo or ogrinfo report for the file(s) that
>> would be helpful.
>> Best regards,
>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Geoff Mark<geoff at geoffmark.com>   wrote:
>>> Hello.  I am new to GIS, in fact I just need to use some ADF files from
>>> USGS in off-the-shelf 3D software (Lightwave v9.6)  I found FWTools,
>>> which loads the ADF files nicely on my 64-bit Win7 machine, but does not
>>> export at all.  I'd prefer DEM files - actually I'd really prefer DXF or
>>> OBJ files.
>>> Is there something really basic I'm not doing?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Geoff
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