[FWTools] Newb problem - exporting
Geoff Mark
geoff at geoffmark.com
Tue Feb 28 00:52:07 EST 2012
Thank you all. Once I figured out the syntax of the CLI, I was able to
generate GeoTIFF files from on of the other files in that folder, which
IrfanView converted into regular TIFF files. The altitudes were off, in
that everything over 10,000 feet went back to zero, but I was able to
adjust the grey scale in some graphics software.
I could not have done it without all your patient advice.
On 2/22/2012 8:38 AM, Brad Nesom wrote:
> The add format I am familiar with is known as ESRI coverage. The parent folder that holds several add files will be the coverage name. Outside of that is an info file which contains (a bit of a guess) db link relationship information.
> A coverage can contain multiple feature types. Described by the att pat and other files.
> Brad Nesom GISP
> 580-616-2029
> On Feb 22, 2012, at 12:12 AM, Geoff Mark<geoff at geoffmark.com> wrote:
>> I'm not completely comfortable with CLI, but I think this might be a
>> lost cause. Using gdal_translate I get:
>> "'w001001.adf' not recognized as a supported file format."
>> This is the same file that loaded fine into OpenEV_FW. OpenEV opened
>> the file, I could see its loveliness, but I'm guessing it was too big
>> (475 Mb.)
>> Can you think of another solution?
>> Best Regards,
>> Geoff
>> On 2/21/2012 4:46 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 12:10 PM, Geoff Mark<geoff at geoffmark.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for responding Frank.
>>>> Is this what you're looking for:
>>>> Size: 10812P x 10812L x 1Bands
>>>> Driver: GeoTIFF
>>>> Origin: -120.000555556 40.0005555556
>>>> Pixel Size: 9.2592592593e-005 x 9.2592593e-005
>>>> Projection:
>>>> GEOGCS["NAD83",
>>>> DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",
>>>> SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.2572221010002]],
>>>> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
>>>> UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]
>>>> Metadata:
>>>> AREA_OR_POINT: Area
>>>> Band 1: Type=Float32
>>>> Looks like raster?
>>> Geoff,
>>> Yes, definitely a raster.
>>> GDAL does not support raster output to DXF or OBJ (as far as I know).
>>> So you pretty much
>>> need to fallback to some other DEM format. You mention "DEM" which
>>> I'd guess is likely
>>> USGS ASCII DEM format.
>>> You can try doing:
>>> gdal_translate your.adf -of USGSDEM out.dem
>>> At the FWTools commandline. This will produce a USGS ASCII DEM
>>> file which might work with your software. If you need to produce something
>>> matching a particular product profile it is more involved, but in that case
>>> read over:
>>> http://www.gdal.org/frmt_usgsdem.html
>>> I presume you were actually doing the import and export from
>>> within OpenEV? I'd suggest doing the translation from the
>>> commandline using gdal_translate as I vaguely suspect there
>>> are limits on the capabilities of the OpenEV export tool.
>>> Best regards,
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