[FWTools] Newbie: warnings and errors while reading AML to postgis with ogr2ogr

Bas Vermeulen bas.vermeulen at forcevision.nl
Wed Feb 29 10:30:25 EST 2012

Hi all,


I'm relatively new to GIS and I'm trying to read AML data into postgis. I'm
trying the following:


ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost user=postgres dbname=aml
password=***" -append ***\***.000


(the ***s are replaced by the real values)


I'm getting warnings like:


Warning 1: Illegal feature attribute id (ATTF:ATTL[2]) of 20615 on feature
FIDN=2760, FIDS=1.

Skipping attribute, no more warnings will be issued.

Warning 1: Attributes INFORM ignored, not in expected schema.

No more warnings will be issued for this dataset.


The attribute for which the warnings are given vary from file to file. Some
files also give the following error:


ERROR 1: Invalid index : -1

(repeated many times)


I'm using FWTools Shell 2.4.7 on Windows and have been able to read normal


I'm not sure how bad these errors and warnings are, nor how to solve them.
Any help is appreciated.


Best regards,

Bas Vermeulen

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