[FWTools] extracting YXZ from ENC S-57 SOUNDG layer

Chaitanya kumar CH chaitanya.ch at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 21:19:09 EST 2014


The SOUNDG layer has multipoint geometries. So, there are multiple z values
for each feature. You can use the -explodecollections option as long as
your gd as long version is at least 1.8.
On 14 Aug 2014 18:24, "Duguay, Wayne" <Wayne.Duguay at merinov.ca> wrote:

>  My goal is extracting X,Y,Z geometries from ENC S-57 SOUNDG layer cause
> I can’t display Z value as water depth from this layer in QGis. So I was
> able to convert the layer to SHP file with FWTools. Now I want to convert
> my SHP file to CSV. I’m able to do it with –LCO GEOMETRY=AS_WKT but I would
> like the output to be one separated column for x,y and z. I read the
> documentation and saw that AS_XYZ was especially made for this purpose so I
> tried it and here’s the result:
> C:\windows\system32>ogr2ogr.exe -skipfailures -f "CSV"
> "C:\users\username\Desktop\csv" “C:\Users\username\Desktop\shp\soundg.shp"
> Warning 1: Geometry type 3D Multi Point is not compatible with
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