[ka-Map-users] Controlling the number of points using addObjectGeo

Base Bloc chris at basebloc.com
Tue Feb 28 04:08:36 EST 2006

Dear all,


First off I would like to say that ka-map 0.2 is a fantastic piece of kit
and thanks for all the work that people have put in to this.


I am currently building an application using 0.2 and I am using the
addObjectGeo function to add markers along with mouseover events (pop-up
windows) to the map. All is working as it should and is looking good. My
concern now is the number of markers; the application is covering most of
Southeast Asia and the number of markers is going to be high. I am looking
to use Ajax to connect to a MySQL database to retrieve the point data
relevant to the area of the map being viewed, as if all of the points were
to be retrieved in one go it would result in a serious performance hit for
the user.


I'm no ka-map expert, but I was wondering how ka-map does this efficiently
with the tiles; as in it gets x number of tiles closest to the area being
viewed then moves outwards, is there anyway to use the variable(s) that are
being sent to the server to request the tiles to also query the database and
return the point data in an equally efficient manor?


Thanks in advance for your thoughts.






Christopher Brown

Head of Internet Development

Base Bloc Cambodia

#33, 123, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 

P.O. Box 2086


Tel (+885) 12 315 302


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