[maplab-users] Virtual Spatial Data

Aldo Tocchio a.tocchio at arpa.piemonte.it
Tue Jul 27 03:20:52 EDT 2004


Hi all

I have last week installed MS4W new version.
Now I try to use it and it works well for vector and raster (ecw too!!) it is great!
Now I have two question:
1:How connect to //microsoft access database to get //points from a set of x,y coordinates (I have follow instructions in //
/http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?VirtualSpatialData. but with error result: //
/c:\inetpub\wwwroot\maplab-2.1-RC3\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on line /
///2: I have 30 raster files with 1:10000 scale and I want to group them in one single layer. I have noticed that there is Group window..... in /object proprerties Layer.

Thanks a lot.
        *Object Properties - Layer*
Aldo Tocchio
A.R.P.A. Piemonte
Dipartimento Biella
via Trento, 11
13900 Biella (BI)
tel. 015-35813145 - fax 015-35813181
email: a.tocchio at arpa.piemonte.it

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