[maplab-users] FW: May be a BUG ????

Swapan Mazumdar swapan at dataworld.co.za
Mon Jun 14 13:02:28 EDT 2004

I am also experiencing a similar problem to keep a consistent state.
I am implementing zoomto feature using html controls. It works fine. But the moment I use zoomin/out etc, its starts from the previous extent which there before the zoomto action was triggered.
Look at the code from wrapper/drawmap.php. I think I am not able to figure out how to set the map extent globally. How could I be able to do this?
if ($http_form_vars["run_query"] == 1 ){
    runQuery( $oMapSession, $szQueryCoords, $szQueryLayers, $szURI );    
    $oImage = $oMapSession->oMap->drawQuery();
}elseif ($http_form_vars["sindex"]){
	$layerObj = $oMap->getLayer(1);
	$st = $layerObj->queryByAttributes("VA_SG_CODE", $http_form_vars["sitem"], MS_SINGLE);	
	$shpObject = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POLYGON);
	$shpObject = $layerObj->getShape(-1, intval($http_form_vars["sindex"]));	
	$rect = $shpObject->bounds;
	$oMapSession->oMap->setExtent($rect->minx, $rect->miny, $rect->maxx, $rect->maxy);
		$oImage = $oMapSession->oMap->drawQuery();
		//$oImage = $oMapSession->oMap->draw();

Dear all,
Why is ROSA behaviour change when I insert a quick zoom tool to my application:
<SELECT name="comuni" onChange="CommuneSelected()">
   <option align="center">Zoom to Commune</option>
   <option>- - - - - - - - - - - </option>
   <option value="AGAZZANO">Agazzano</option>
   <option value="ALSENO">Alseno</option>
   <option value="ZIANO P.NO">Ziano P.no </option>
in my proj_contents.php?
What happens is the following: without this (select/select) it works fine, I can zoom in and zoom out as I wish 'correctly'. After inserting this quick zoom tool (i also added the necessary codes in my proj.phtml, and proj.php), the zoom gets crazy, zooming relative to the key map incorrectly. I spent days in figuring out this, but now I don-t undertstand why? I am very sure that the problem is no other. Any help is appreciated.
Fikru Yifter
ps. the codes added for quick zoom can be found in one of my previous mails. 

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