[ms4w-users] Not valid GML GetFeatures

icengch bruno.magoni at iceng.ch
Fri Aug 19 09:37:57 EDT 2005


I've installed ms4w on a Windows XP Professional Edition and have added the 
application MapServer OGC Web Services Workshop. Quick installation and all 
is working fine without changing any configuration parameters.
During my tests, I've found a problem when requesting about a GML2 
This request (http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?
EQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=rivers&OUTPUTFORMAT=GML2) returns a not valid GML 
file (see attachment).
Problem: there is no space delimiter between tuples when coordinates have 
negatives values (line 34, 37, ...) !
If I look at the GML schema, normally this space delimiter should be present.

Should I configure something somewhere about ms4w ?

Thanks for your help.


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