[ms4w-users] mapserver and postgis doesn´t work

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at xs4all.nl
Sat Jan 8 09:10:10 EST 2005


that's quite an advanced setup you want to create. I hope you already have  
some experience with the tools you are gonna use ...

Okay, to help you getting started, I can send you my MAP file (attached)  
and the things I did to put my data into PostGIS using a shapefile as a  

You can also checkout the PostGIS workshops from:




createdb bart

C:\pgsql75win>psql -d bart -f share/contrib/postgis.sql
C:\pgsql75win>psql -d bart -f share/contrib/spatial_ref_sys.sql

load shapefile:
C:\pgsql75win>shp2pgsql -D F:\pgsql75win\data\t50_vlakken_region.shp top50  
bart > f:\top50.sql

load the written sql file:
C:\pgsql75win>psql -d bart -f f:/top50.sql

create spatial index
psql -d bart
CREATE INDEX top50_geom_idx ON top50 USING GIST (the_geom  

vacuum analyze;

Best regards,

On Sat, 08 Jan 2005 14:55:16 +0100, Martin K <krekoma at centrum.cz> wrote:

> How can I make a comunication between mapserver and postgis. I´m trying  
> latest ms4w and ms4wworkshop. I tried to config mapserver to publish WFS  
> with connection to postgis, but no data from dbase was responsed on my  
> request. If anyone have same experienc with this problem please help me,  
> I need *.map file with the correct settings WFS and connection to  
> postgis and some correct script to fill dbase with some data. Thansk
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