[ms4w-users] EPSG version??

Aaron Koning aaronkoning at gmail.com
Sun Sep 10 08:43:46 EDT 2006

I believe the epsg file is a product of the PROJ4 library/distribution. I
did notice that the current epsg file used in MS4W (2.x) is different from
the epsg file distributed in PROJ 4.4.9 (e.g. the new code for BC Albers,
3005, is missing in the former but present in the later). So I think PROJ4
(or at least the newest PROJ4 epsg file) needs to be upgraded in MS4W.

For now, download PROJ 4.4.9 and check if your projection is defined in the
provided epsg file. If it is, replace the MS4W epsg file with that one.


On 9/7/06, Ivan Kautter <ivankautter at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have looked at the supported projects or spatial reference systems if
> you
> like in MapServer especially those within the ESPG file.  I notice that
> the
> California Teale Albers projection both NAD27 and NAD83 are misssing from
> the ESPG version distributed with ms4w despite these projections being
> available since EPSG 6.6 I believe with the current ESPG version from
> their
> site being 6.11.  When will we be seeing a more current version of EPSG
> incorporated either into ms4w if that is the issue or MapServer in general
> if that is the hold-up?  Thanks.
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|  Aaron Koning
|  Information Technologist
|  Prince George, BC, Canada.
|  http://datashare.gis.unbc.ca/fist/
|  http://datashare.gis.unbc.ca/gctp-js/
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