[ms4w-users] ms4w/php-mapscript slow since release 2.2.4

Ludwig Kniprath kniprath.l at wver.de
Wed Aug 22 03:46:26 EDT 2007

Hello List,
I have problems with php-mapscript in newer ms4w releases, tested 2.2.3, 2.2.4 and 2.2.5 beta.

In 2.2.3 the process of 1. initialising, 2. "create_the_map" and 3. shutting-down the PHP-CGI was very fast.

Since 2.2.4 the first two steps are fast, too, but the shutting-down of PHP-CGI needs up to 5 seconds, and in that time the client-browser ist still in "laoding-data"-state.

In my solution the php-script is called via ajax and returns the file-names and urls of the created maps, but this runs only, when the "loading-data"-state is finished, so every map-interaction needs up to 5 seconds, until the new maps are reloaded.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance...


Ludwig Kniprath
c.o. Wasserverband Eifel-Rur
Unternehmensbereich Flussgebietsmanagement
Fachbereich Geografische Informationssysteme

Eisenbahnstraße 5
52353 Düren

Tel.:  02421/494-1041
Fax:  02421/494-1019

kniprath.l at wver.de

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